Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Isaiah's Rest at WCIV, Charleston


This morning we did an interview with Tom Crawford and the Low Country Live folks in Charleston on both the book and the screenplay. The video is at the link above. We really appreciate their time and making this an enjoyable opportunity.

Remember, the book is still available at introductory pricing through the month of May, on Amazon.

If in Charleston, pick up a copy at The Old Charleston Ghost Shop or the Blue Bicycle Book Store and when in Edisto at the Edisto Bookstore or at the Edistonian.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

CIFF winners

http://charlestoniff.org/about/awards/ Here's the link to all the winners in the 2013 Charleston International Film Festival.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Low Country Live and Carolina Live

http://www.abcnews4.com/ For those in the Low-country, be sure to tune into ABC Channel 4 (WCIV) Charleston on Tuesday, 21 May, at 10:00 a.m. for our 'Low Country Live Meet the Author' segment about Isaiah's Rest. We also have a segment with WPDE Channel 15 in Florence, SC coming up on Carolina Live http://www.carolinalive.com/ time to be announced.

For those wishing to pick up the paperback on Amazon, the special pricing is still in effect. Order yours now before the promotion is over! http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_sabc?url=search-alias%3Daps&pageMinusResults=1&suo=1368127532572#/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=isaiah's%20rest&sprefix=isaia%2Caps&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aisaiah's%20rest

As always, Kindle Prime members can borrow the book for FREE.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Extreme Screenplay Contest

Isaiah's Rest: An Edisto Ghost Story is now entered into the Extreme Screenplay 2013 Contest http://www.extremescreenwriting.com/  Finalists announced June 15, and winners announced on 1 July, 2013.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

http://www.dixiefilmfest.com/index.htm Isaiah's Rest: An Edisto Ghost Story is now entered into the Dixie Film Festival 4-6 October, 2013. As well, we've entered 'Against the Grain' into this festival to accompany Isaiah's Rest.

Press Release - Isaiah's Rest (screenplay) takes first at Charleston

The screenplay, Isaiah’s Rest: An Edisto Ghost Story, by William A. (Tony) Blackmon received the ‘Spire Award’ for best screenplay in the screenwriting competition of the 6th annual Charleston International Film Festival on April 28th in Charleston. The film festival showcased five days of works from writers and filmmakers from around the world offering shorts, documentaries, and feature films to the event’s attendees and judges. Isaiah’s Rest is Mr. Blackmon’s second win at the Charleston International Film Festival’s screenplay competition where he also received the first place Golden Crescent Award in 2011 for his screenplay, The Feather Keeper.

The screenplay competition was highlighted by a ‘Table Read’ of the scripts by the top ten finalist on April 25th during which veteran local actors performed a five minute scene from the finalists’ screenplays. The film festival was concluded with an awards ceremony and gala dinner on Sunday night where a lifetime achievement award was given to veteran filmmaker Bill Butler, the cinematographer who helped create such epic films as Jaws, Rocky II, III, and IV, Stripes, Grease and dozens more memorable films. Mr. Butler’s award was capped by videoed recognition from film greats Steven Spielberg and Francis Ford Coppola and presented by veteran actor Tom Berenger who worked with Butler on the movie Sniper.

Mr. Blackmon’s other screenplay works include; The People’s Choice awards for best television series Pilot at the Los Angeles Love Unlimited Art and Film Festival and the Hollywood Screenplay Competition in 2012 for his work The Bagram Diaries, top 10 finalist at the 2012 Beaufort International Film Festival with his work Lucifer, Finalist in the Charleston International Film Festival screenplay competition in 2012 with his work The Gifts of Ages, and finalist in the 2012 Film Maker’s International screenplay competition with his work Lucifer.

Attending this year’s Charleston International Film Festival awards ceremony with Mr. Blackmon and his wife were friends from the low-country and family from England. Isaiah’s Rest: An Edisto Ghost Story is also available as a novel and can be found on Amazon in hardcopy and as an eBook and at Barnes & Noble and Books-a-Million. In Charleston you can find it downtown at the Old Charleston Ghost Shop and the Blue Bicycle Bookstore. If you are traveling to Edisto you can find it at the Edisto Bookstore and the Edistonian.